The universe works in mysterious ways. When you are in alignment and in the present moment, things tend to unfold with beauty and elegance, including your SEO and marketing. This enlightening episode diverted from the techie details that this show is known for, but I think you’ll agree after listening that it was a worthwhile detour.
Ticiano Sgarbi is an SEO practitioner and founder of Sgarbi Digital Marketing. A language enthusiast since he was a child, Ticiano found another way to explore languages, multilingual SEO. Born bilingual and learning to code at an early age, Ticiano speaks six languages. He loves exploring the link between languages and emotions.
In this episode, Ticiano and I share our experiences in the Abundance360 mastermind, our MTPs (which stands for Massively Transformational Purpose), and our moonshots. We tackle universal laws, intuition, synchronicities, elegance, and harmony. Ticiano also shares some of his most powerful experiences with synchronicity, serendipity (yes they are different from each other), and intuition.
Without any further ado, on with the show!

In This Episode
- [00:20] – Stephan is joined by Ticiano Sgarbi, who is an SEO practitioner and a language enthusiast with a keen interest in the link between languages and emotions.
- [01:27] – Stephan highlights how he met Ticiano through Abundance360 Masterminds, followed by Ticiano describing the advantages of participating.
- [03:10] – Both Stephan and Ticiano discuss at length their Massively Transformative Purpose (MTP), a concept they learned from Peter Diamandis.
- [08:59] – Ticiano explains how he applies intuition to his life and SEO.
- [13:46] – As part of the meaningful synchronicity he has experienced, Stephan mentions Jessica Simpson’s book trailer encounter.
- [15:16] – Ticiano expounds his ideas on synchronicities and pronoia.
- [18:07] – Stephan gave an example of how he was able to help someone after feeling a nudge. His experience with Akashic Records, and the concept he applies from Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist book, are also mentioned.
- [28:38] – Ticiano describes his daily routine of elegance and balance. There is a powerful instance of synchronicity he describes.
- [33:27] – What is the key to opportunities and full-blown miracles in our lives?
- [40:25] – Ticiano combines the magic of the quantum world (synchronism and miracle) with the world of online marketing and SEO. How does this work?
- [47:20] – Through You Were Born for This, Stephan demonstrates the power of being grateful and giving credit where credit is due
- [51:55] – To get in touch with Ticiano for your multilingual SEO concerns, visit his website.
Ticiano, it’s so great to have you on the show.
Thanks for having me.
We know each other through Abundance360, Peter Diamandis‘ Mastermind. We’ve been friends for several years now. I’d love to start off by maybe sharing with our listener or viewer what is it about the Abundance360 masterminds and Abundance Digital, like the futurist thing that interests you and inspires you? I’m curious to hear what made you part of that community and what keeps you there.
You touched the A360 right away. As Peter Diamandis says, we have the main TV channels in the world that people watch, the Crisis News Network and Fox One. He doesn’t mention the acronym for that, but it’s just about the news. Our brains are wired to pay more attention to danger for survival reasons. We are living through the most extraordinary time of all time.
In this mastermind, every week, we’re getting in touch with new startups, content, technologies, and possibilities that we can use to impact the world for our business.
There is so much going on right now, extraordinary discoveries. Science is making huge leaps ahead. In every field we look at, great things are happening. In this mastermind, every week, we’re getting in touch with new startups, new content, new technologies, and new possibilities that we can use to impact the world for our business, community, and country. That is an exciting perspective to live in, so that’s why. Of course, we get to know each other there, and you get like-minded people, so you replicate things with each other. It’s kind of raising the value of that as well.
I totally resonate with what you’re saying. The like-minded people, that’s what draws me to be part of masterminds, to find really cool, interesting people who have big plans to change the world and make the world a better place.
One thing I learned from Abundance360 and Peter Diamandis was the concept of an MTP, Massively Transformative Purpose. Mine is to elevate the consciousness of humanity. I know that’s a big goal, a big MTP. I’m curious to hear what your MTP is and how it ties into what you do on a day-to-day basis.
That’s a big question. MTP is always something big. I’m still working on that. I think, as you mentioned in the intro, it has to do with emotions and language, which is something I’ve been working with.
We actually know so little about ourselves. We use words, which is a language, but that is so often not enough to communicate. We have our bodies. We can get signs, and now we are in a video call. Even when we are face to face, we can use some more, but it’s not enough. What is it that we can broadcast to each other, or we can communicate that can send this message that is not written?
There is something there. A smile or energy, some would say. I started working with some AI in the motion field, but we are just scratching the surface. We know pretty much nothing, so it’s a great possibility that I had to develop that. My MTP should be somewhere around that, but I’m still working on that.
Yeah, that’s not an easy thing to come up with. He has this different thing he calls the moonshot, which follows from the MTP. You identify what your massively transformative purpose is, and then you figure out what your moonshot is based on that.
Our brains are wired to pay more attention to danger for survival reasons. We are living the most extraordinary time of all time. Share on XMaybe a moonshot that relates to my MTP, for example, of elevating the consciousness of humanity would be to have a book that sells millions and millions of copies, and changes a lot of people’s lives, and helps inspire them and turn them into more of who they are meant to be or inspires them to become who they’re meant to be in this incarnation.
That’s just one example of a moonshot. You can have plenty of other moonshots. But I’m curious, do you have a moonshot? I know you’re working on your MTP. You’re probably supposed to come up with that first. What’s the big dream goal that you have that you’re working on?
Peter teaches us that it should be something like a dream you had when you were a child. I have this dream of understanding, understanding goals 360, if I may say like that. The moonshot would be that we could understand each other in a broad way.
Really understanding because so many conflicts rise from that gap of communication. We still lack a big way to understand each other’s point of view. We are all in the same boat on this planet, soon on other planets, and we are not being efficient on that. If we could communicate and understand each other perfectly, that could be a wonderful moonshot for me.

Yeah. There’s something I learned in Kabbalah, where we’re getting a little out there in metaphysics, that understanding can actually interfere with wisdom. We’re trying to understand everything, and then we might miss the wisdom that is the gift from above that isn’t something we can just power through and just do on our own. Wisdom really does come as a gift.
I was inspired to mention that, because understanding used to be something I was always craving to understand everything. Learn, learn, learn. I still love learning. It’s one of my top five strengths in Strengths Finder, but it can be a trap. I don’t know your thoughts on that.
I think you have a point there, Stephan. Just understanding can be rough in a way. I think emotions, let’s put it in a plain way, like using the heart. Those are our feelings that maybe make us full humans. Maybe it’s more connected to the wisdom you’re mentioning.
It’s not something you can just set a code, program, or anything with math. It’s beyond that. To fully understand emotions, maybe we have to use our senses in a way. Wisdom, I think, comes when we master not only the techniques, but the not written things, the things we feel. Intuition comes here.
A lot of people have guidance from other places in multiple ways. To piece all that together, that might be wisdom. That’s how I see it. That might make our journey here more fulfilling for everyone else. Emotions are part of that as well.
We can set our mindset for how we see the world, then take action on that perspective, adding the energy concept. Share on XYeah. What is intuition for you? How does it play into your daily life and to the SEO work that you do, the marketing work, and consulting work? How does intuition show up for you?
Oh, gosh. That’s a great question. It’s a great crazy question, because now we are mixing the logical with the non-logical elements here. I’ve had my own experiences in my life. I learned enough to know that when I hear the call, I have to follow it. I can drop any thought I have, any conviction, any point of view. When I hear it, I just go for it.
There are different levels. I’m talking from my experience now, not about the concept. Generally speaking, I’m a very mind-oriented person, like being very logical. But as we were mentioning before about wisdom, I think we need to integrate also the fillings, also the non-written rules, in whatever we are doing, which makes it more comprehensive.
Sometimes, we are doing something, and we just got this mentality, the self-dialogue, or this input to do something. I would say this is the first level of intuition. Most of the time, it works just fine. Sometimes it doesn’t, but then we get to know why later. Usually, it’s like that.
There is a second one, which is the call. Sometimes, I just hear that by saying something to myself. By the way, it’s not even related to myself. It’s something that I should do for someone or for something, and I just do it. When you get that message, we cannot deny it. We just go for it.
When you believe in doing the right thing, but it feels wrong for you, don’t do it.
It’s a very practical concept, but you just feel it, actually, because we can’t measure that so far. Maybe we’ll get there, someone. That’s a broader intuition. Maybe the higher faculties are for solo, for consciousness. There are multiple angles here that we can get in touch within different ways. It’s available for everyone, I think. We just have to allow ourselves to go there, and learn, and to try it out. It works.
Yeah, it sure does. If you go against your intuition, oh, here comes the pain.
You’re so right. That’s the kind of typical situation. When you believe in doing the right thing, but it feels wrong for you, don’t do it. It sounds wrong to me. There’s something else that I can explain to myself, but it’s there. It’s present. I’m aware of that and I changed my decision based on that, because it’s an important element here as well.
Yeah, and to follow the nudges that you get. It’s so critical to your soul mission and fulfilling whatever your soul contracts are. It’s your mission on this earth. If you ignore those nudges like a homeless person is just standing out to you or somebody that you feel like, I need to pull the car over, get out of my car, and give that particular person money, I don’t know why, but that’s the nudge, you got to follow it. It’s really important.
Yeah, right. It’s exactly how it happens. This is a typical one. Another one that happens so often to me, you can go two ways to some place, and then you used to go to one of the roads, and then you just know, today, you should go that way, and something happens there. You’re just following your intuition.

You mentioned SEO before. That happens also in daily work. Sometimes, you’re trying to understand what is going on here in this SERP or this particular page. Why is it ranking so high? Because it’s clearly out of the curb.
Your intuition kicks in here because, okay, we have tools, we can have metrics. Sometimes you have to, as you mentioned, pay attention to the nudges, and just explore that. Then you can get metrics, you can get data, and you can explain it. But the first insight comes from nowhere. We can explain.
Quite often, I would say in SEO, we have a lot of science behind it already. You have a great book about that, but still, Google is the main search engine. It makes mistakes sometimes, and they can’t quite explain why something is happening. We have to deal with all that, so nudges are very important as well.
Also, you get these synchronicities that happen. Out of the blue, something happens to set you up for success. You happen across a particular tool, resource, example, or strategy, and it’s right before the meeting. You just know that that’s meant for you and meant for your client.
An example is I found an incredible book trailer on Jessica Simpson‘s website. Her book is called Open Book. That book trailer is amazing. It is the best example of a book trailer I’ve seen. An explainer-type video, but done in such an authentic, heartwarming, raw, and real sort of way. I have multiple clients who are working on their books right now that’ll be launching imminently. I was able to share that example book trailer with them.
I believe they’re going to use it as kind of a north star to accomplish. Not just the strategy of, oh, do a book trailer as part of your book launch, but here is an amazing example. That stuff can happen all the time. You just have to let it in, acknowledge it, appreciate it, and then more will come. I don’t know if you ever get that. I’m sure you probably do.
Synchronicities are so specific. They are so perfect that it’s hard to explain to anyone else because they match so many things at a deeper level in ourselves, in our hearts, and our thoughts.
Yes, I do. That’s the most beautiful thing that can happen to you in databases, because you’re not quite looking at it, but it just happens. It shows the elegance and harmony of the beauty of the universe. It’s just in front of you. Usually, those synchronicities are so specific. They are so perfect that it’s even so hard to explain to anyone else, because it matches so many things at a deeper level in ourselves, in our heart, and in our thoughts.
No one can actually understand it fully. We can give an idea of it. It’s something that resonates deeply with us. It’s pure joy when that happens. It’s telling you are going somewhere, and you are in touch with something.
As this is a marketing podcast and we work with cue words, I think there’s a beautiful cue here, which is pronoia, the concept that the universe is working for you all the time. Instead of being paranoid and thinking that people, when companies are doing something against you, the universe is just working for the best to happen to you. That’s the pronoia.
I love that cue word. The synchronicities are just a way for this pronoia to manifest in our lives. Of course, when that happens, you are in the state of grace that reinforces everything you’re doing. You just keep turning in more and more to what you’re doing, because you’re seeing something is going on.
You cannot deny it, because it’s just in front of you. It does happen. Synchronicity is on multiple levels. It’s about work, it’s about life. It’s even in dreams sometimes.
Yeah, I’ve got some incredible messages, ideas, innovations, things through dreams, incredible experiences, and life-changing insights. It’s really cool.
One of the most common things that we can call synchronicities, but is that thing you don’t listen to from someone that is sad for a month or two? You’re thinking about that person and that person just calls you, like you just outreach it mentally? Of course, he just was thinking about it, of course, you would call and vice versa. This is the kind of synchronicity that shows that we are in connection, actually. Separation is an illusion of our senses here on this planet, but we are connected at a deeper level and things are there just to reaffirm our connection.
I think there’s a beautiful cue here: pronoia, the concept that the universe is always working for you.
Yeah, that just happened this morning. For me, it happens a lot. One great example, a prospect from years ago, I just felt the nudge to reach out to. I did a quick check on their organic traffic levels and Ahrefs.
I sent a screenshot and mentioned that that’s a downward slide that isn’t looking too good. Can I be of assistance? She answered right away saying, truly wonderful to hear from you. I hope you and your family are doing well. I was just looking at your book that was sitting on our office shelf yesterday and was thinking of you. I appreciate you reaching out to us. We’re in the middle of blah, blah, blah.
That is pretty cool. That’s a fun example of a synchronicity that is sales related, but also, it’s more of a bigger picture that we’re all connected. We’re all connected. It’s not like we’re just dealing with clients and prospects. I learned this from one of my teachers, a spiritual teacher.
She teaches Akashic Records reading, Anne Marie Pizarro. She refers to someone’s clients as their assigned group that you’re meant to work with these people. It’s a part of a soul contract that a certain client, you’re going to change that person’s life, or that person’s business, or you’re going to say something, recommend a resource, a book, or something that is going to change their lives. It’s meant to be. It’s already written. I learned that concept from the book, The Alchemist, which is a fantastic book.

From Paulo Coelho?
Yeah. The concept in Arabic is Maktub. Maktub means it is written. It’s mentioned in the Qur’an, but it’s a universal law that everything is already predetermined. You’re playing a role in a movie. You’re acting in a movie, and you don’t even realize it, and all the stuff is already predetermined.
You’re going to stub your toe next Tuesday. You’re going to happen to meet somebody because you missed the train. Then they’re going to be sitting on the platform, and you’re going to strike up a conversation, and it’s going to be your next business partner. All these things are already written. Then people ask, where’s free will then? I thought we have free will?
Free will is when you do something extraordinarily outside of your normal state of being. If you’re normally the kind of person who gives a few dollars to a homeless person and stretching outside of your comfort zone being more proactive, maybe giving them $100, or giving them the money and striking up a conversation or asking the person’s name and then remembering it so the next time you see them, you greet them by name.
This is a homeless person who is a soul and not just somebody to dismissively throw some money at. Those sorts of things give you a timeline upgrade. I don’t know if that sounds too out there for you. I’m curious to hear what your thoughts are about it.
We are energy. We have an experience with our bodies, but we are essentially energy.
Yeah, it’s a beautiful picture. You just described it. This goes a bit into the belief field now. I do believe we are energy. We are having an experience here with our bodies, but we essentially are energy.
That homeless person you just saluted, calling this person by his or her name is acknowledging. The energy that is behind that body that maybe is not very well taken care of here now, but it’s just acknowledging this bigger network we are part of. It’s just about energy.
Energy doesn’t need anybody, actually. It doesn’t need to be anywhere. It doesn’t need to be at any time. It’s just all we have. In that field, everything is possible. It’s just waves of energy that can collapse into matter in a lower vibration here in this field. If you go there, we can simply say, go quantum.
We can tap into bigger sources of energy and powerful things can happen in very unpredictable ways. We can explain from our human perspective, but we just have to allow ourselves to go there and smile at that person that maybe no one does and open up possibilities for surprises to show up.
We usually are very busy and run behind the machine to make things happen and to be on time with our schedules. We just don’t realize how important that is. It’s at a fundamental level, which is energy that commands matter, not the matter commanding energy.
It’s like it’s not seeing to believe but believing to see. Seeing is believing, it’s actually believing is seeing. You get what you put out there from your thoughts. You turn thoughts into things, but not in just a purely physical kind of, oh, I have an idea for a treehouse, and I’m going to envision it in my mind, and I’m going to start building it in my backyard for my kid. It’s much more of that kind of woo-woo manifesting. You’re going to create your own, co-create it with the Creator, with your higher power, because you’re envisioning a bigger, brighter future for yourself and for others.
Exactly. Here, we can operate on both tracks. As we were talking, just hearing you, it just came to my mind. We can do that from the energy perspective, but also, we come back to A360 like the abundance mindset here.
We can just see the world the way we want, actually, this physical world. We can see all the beauty, the joy, and the growth we are having. There are positive records in every single field we can think about, or we can just look at the bad news we have. We always had and I think in the future, we will have.
Our chances of succeeding whenever we try are pretty good. We will enjoy the ride also.
If you combine the physical perspective like creating, being in charge of our destiny, which is not fully at our disposal, we cannot do everything. We can set our mindset for how we see the world, and then we take action on that perspective, adding the energy concept of that. The deeper one, I think our chances of succeeding whenever we try are pretty good. We will enjoy the ride also.
Yes. I’m curious to hear if you have an example of some really powerful synchronicity, intuition, or serendipity—something that just really stands out in your mind. I’ll just give you a quick example for me. This happened a couple of months ago at the Genius Network annual event.
I was there to speak and I brought my wife, Orion, and my little two-year-old son. We were at the airport arriving in Phoenix. We rented a car, and then we noticed an oil light on the dashboard after leaving the facility, after leaving the car rental place.
That meant going all the way back through rechecking, like dropping the car off and waiting. It added an extra hour just noticing that it was a minute too late, but it was meant to be. What happened after that is while we were waiting for an hour for the car to get swapped out and everything, we ran into some friends.
Sachin Patel, who was a guest on my other podcast, Get Yourself Optimized, and his wife, Dipa, were waiting at the Thrifty Car Rental. But I wouldn’t have seen them. We wouldn’t have seen them. I’d run into them if we hadn’t had the issue with the car and brought it all the way back.
This is a large airport. Yes, there were other people coming to that conference. It was possible that we could have bumped into them just by random chance, but I don’t believe in anything being random. We made plans to meet up, like can we catch a dinner together, or lunch, or whatever? But it didn’t end up working out.

I completely forgot about it, so we didn’t end up meeting for dinner that night, even though we tried. Then the event happened and finished. Everybody laughed, and it just didn’t dawn on me. Then we drive a couple hours away to Sedona, amazing energy there, powerful vortexes.
We’re in the middle of nowhere on a rock, and guess who says, “Hey, Stephan, Orion, what do you guys do in here?” Sachin and Dipa. What are the odds? We ended up having lunch. We had a really deep conversation about spirituality and stuff. That was meant to happen.
It was already written. I kind of envision it like a magnetic track. When you are going through life, things just kind of get drawn to you as long as you’re working to benevolent ends and you’re being kind and loving, stuff gets attracted to your field. I just think that was an amazing example. I’m curious to hear if you have any examples that stick out.
It’s a beautiful example. Thanks for that. It happens every day. I have a journal and I usually take notes of those, usually. Sometimes they are small, sometimes they are bigger to come into my mind.
To keep elegance and balance throughout the day, let go of negativity, and things will work out.
I usually meditate every morning for 90 minutes. I just want to be present in the energy and to create my day. Most of all, to be present throughout the day when things are happening, because it’s so easy to just slide, and rush, and be worried or too concerned about things. To keep that elegance and balance throughout the day, just letting go and things will work out.
That particular day, of course, is easier said than done. Some days, I really struggle. Some days ago, a couple of weeks ago, I was feeling disconnected. That was the thing I was feeling, disconnection from everything. These days, you do things that nothing’s working. What’s going on?
You just mentioned Genius Network. An example came to my mind. I’m a subscriber to the Joe Polish newsletter. I just got an email from him saying, are you connected? When I saw that, I said, okay, I just got the message. This is a kind of synchronicity. It’s a pretty small one, but then his copy’s more than perfect. He’s good and inspired me that day to reconnect. It came from him by mail.
I just remember another one now. I think one month ago, that happened. We have a meditation and study group we do every Tuesday at 10 AM Pacific Time. Most of the folks are from San Diego. We just study the materials, and we discuss a little bit, and then we meditate together.
After the session, I felt this compelling reason I never did before, but that is intuition. I just sent this video to Lauren. It’s a testimonial from someone that made it to walk again, and she’s struggling a lot to walk. She was about to have some surgeries.
I didn’t know about the video. I just felt the call. I assigned this video to her, and so I did. Then I watched it later. That video was about another woman from Oregon. She used to go hiking in Oregon.
I sent it to Lauren, and then I got an email half an hour later. She wrote, basically, I’m in tears. I used to hike in Oregon for my whole life. I didn’t know that. Now just send me a video of someone that recovered from doing some healing, some studies, and some meditation. That person is hiking again at this very same place. I want to hike again because of what I saw in the video.

I was just the channel for that to happen. I just allow it by not doubting that to happen. Of course, when that happens, you just feel the joy of being alive and being of help to other beings, to your brothers and sisters. That is the elegance; that is the most interesting thing I think we can have nowadays.
Yeah, that’s beautiful. That’s so beautiful. That reminds me of something I read in a book called You Were Born for This by Bruce Wilkinson. The idea is pretty simple. You just need to volunteer.
It’s, I think, from the book of Isaiah. In the Bible, there is a section where Isaiah is at the feet of God. He’s also witnessing essentially like a board meeting between archangels and God, and who’s going to deliver which miracles to which people and so forth. Isaiah is there and he is raising his hand and saying, here I am, Lord, please send me.
You can do that. You can say, here I am, please send me, and then you’ll get more of those opportunities. I just built a particular thing or to, or to send a particular video, or to share some resource that changes their lives. I just realized that it is a full-blown miracle. Yeah, just ask.
Yeah, and I think that’s the magnificence of the universe just showing up. We have to surrender. It’s hard sometimes because we can be so attached to our own senses, to the reasoning thing. At this present state, as human beings here, we cannot fully understand. We cannot grasp it fully.
It’s just about acknowledging, surrendering, and just letting it be through ourselves. That’s the way, because otherwise, we have no technology or tools to manage that. It is just allowing and not being an obstacle for that to happen.
It takes practice. It’s something we just have to try. It’s not something that can even be like going to school and learning. It’s just something innate to us.
Try things out, practice, and then magic can happen. It’s the formula we can get from the universe.
We have some good books, some good teachings, but we have, most of all, to try it out, to practice, and then magic can happen. When it happens, I’m sure the listeners had some of those as well. It’s just pure bliss and you don’t want anything else. It’s the formula we can get from the universe.
Yeah, it’s amazing. Allowing not being an obstacle. I’d say that also includes just not trying to do it all on your own. If you recognize, acknowledge, and work with the Creator, and not just try to power through it on your own. Recognize that there’s a much bigger picture going on.
In Kabbalah, they talk about the 1% reality and the 99% reality. We’re in the 1% reality. We only see a fraction of what the bigger picture is. If we go through our day kind of aware of the fact there’s this 99% of what’s out there that we have no concept of that is massive, miraculous, incredible, and unbelievable, then we’re primed for the miracles to happen. We’re not just the solopreneur, the renegade.
Dan Sullivan in Strategic Coach, he calls the person a rugged individualist. Yeah, that’s the term he uses, the rugged individualist. Don’t be a rugged individualist. It turns you into a not scalable business, but it also disconnects you from all the synchronicities, all the miracles, and everything.
The universe conspires to make your dreams happen. That’s also in the book, The Alchemist. That’s a beautiful name from The Alchemist. Your personal legend, your big dreams, are just waiting for you in the vortex.
You can start working towards those, and then the universe conspires to make it all happen for you. That’s such a great book. I love that book. I listened to the audiobook version. It’s read by the actor Jeremy Irons. What a fantastic book. He wrote it in 12 days.
Wow, 12 days? That is being productive.
It’s not just productive. He was tapped in. He said that the book was already written, essentially, and he was just accessing it. It sold 150 million copies.
Wow, stunning, really. You just mentioned something important that we often forget. We are a collective body of beings. We see separate things, but we are one body of beings. If you just look at nature and how animals behave, either fish, birds, or other animals, they pretty much act together as a group.
We miss the bigger picture that on this planet, we are bound to win together. We are a group here. We are a team, the human team.
Many times, maybe because we think we reason and we have consciousness, we can disconnect from others and take individual decisions that are not beneficial for the group, but for all they are. We are disconnected. We miss the bigger picture that on this planet, we are bound to win together. We are a group here. We are a team, the human team.
Actually, all beings are together, but I will just talk about human beings. We don’t see greed. We don’t see the individualism we see in human beings in other animals. They just take action together. They’re connected and they have better results.
Even dolphins in groups, they can be sharks. It’s just an example that just came to my mind. They act as a group. We can exceed, but sometimes we just miss the point or just go the easiest way and are selfish. I believe that’s the belief here. It’s our journey to learn, to grow, and to expand into higher levels of energy. We are on our way.
Yeah. How do you reconcile all this amazing, beautiful synchronicity, the miracles, and just this magic that the quantum world being the observer of your slice of the multiverse, and thus, having co-creation abilities? All this amazing spiritual stuff, how do you reconcile that with the technical left brain, very cut and dried aspects of SEO and online marketing?
There’s a lot of creativity, but there’s a lot of just mind-numbing, left-brain stuff, running reports, fixing mistakes, and hreflang tags, and all this sort of stuff. It’s almost like two different worlds with too many people. It’s not this concept of work life balance, left brain, right brain, you’re balancing the two. Life is the overarching thing, and then work is part of it.
Creativity and connection to your Creator, and to all that is, and everyone here, that is the bigger picture. Then there’s one aspect to it, which is I need to run Screaming Frog crawl on the site to look for mistakes and things like redirect chains or 302s, which should be 301s, and all sorts of geeky stuff like that.
Yeah. It’s a great question, because it’s very practical to combine both worlds now. I think we need a bigger picture, and we need to be present with that. We have to do the geek thing and fix the homepage errors. Sometimes they can be so silly, but they need to be fixed.

Maybe they were necessary for someone in the team to learn or even the client to be aware of something that could be avoided or could happen to their website. Again, the pronoia, that was the warning sign from the universe that, okay, you have these errors, and you can fix it, improve the website, and go to the next level. Of course, on page errors, they happen all the time.
Usually, when the creation content team creates, they are not thinking about SEO, and then the SEO team needs to fix those. Besides that, they can be an opportunity for growth for everyone involved. I think seeing that from that perspective and that most of the time, people don’t make mistakes by will. They happen because it was meant to be, as you mentioned before.
We all like that people are tolerant with us. Right now, we are navigating a time where tolerance is not quite used. We all love tolerance, but I think we need to be the ones to use tolerance first, so be tolerant with others.
We have to fix these errors. Sometimes, the error reports can be so long and messy, especially on bigger websites. It takes a lot of time, but it’s our job. We are serving that company, that website, that business that can help other people. I think that’s the kind of reconciliation between these two worlds.
The world unfolds in mysterious ways. But when you align it with synchronicity, and we stay present, things happen much more often with elegance and beauty, bringing us joy. Share on XYeah. For me, every client call I have, every prospect call, every podcast interview, every project I’m working on, deliverable, audit, whatever it is, I am thinking also, how do I reveal light? I’m thinking about revealing light and not just doing a good job. That changes the outcome and that changes how I interact with a client or whatever resource or tool that I’m engaging with. It also brings in more synchronicities.
Right. You’re tapping into that special energy that is not like I’m doing because I need to. You’re tapping into a higher purpose of serving, of helping, and the outcome will be different indeed. It can be because it’s a higher energy, higher vibration.
Synchronicities show up to tell you that most of the time also. Maybe this client will be so satisfied, word of mouth. Maybe he will handle your next client that will change your life, or it will be something that you always wanted to serve that company, but you didn’t have any chance. That’s how the world unfolds in mysterious ways. But when you align it with that and we stay present, things happen much more often with elegance, with beauty, and it brings us joy.
Yeah. It changes the field. Our additional level of awareness, our awareness of our awareness, that changes the unified field. That changes everybody and everything that it touches, which is all, because we’re all connected. This is a fun little example from earlier in the week. Do you know Dr. Joe Dispenza? Do you know Dr. Joe?
Oh, yes.
The universe is working for you all the time. Instead of being paranoid and thinking that people are doing something against you, believe that the universe is just working for the best to happen for you. Share on XYeah, he’s amazing. He does his advanced retreats, the week-long retreats. It’s very hard to get into. They sell out within minutes. Thousands of people register within minutes of the tickets going on sale, and then you can’t get in.
I just happened to catch the tickets that were going to go on sale for the Cancun Intensive. We’re thinking about going ourselves, but it just doesn’t work, timing wise. We wouldn’t have a babysitter and stuff. But a couple of people I know are going, because I found out about that little window of time where the tickets were going to go on sale on Tuesday at 1 PM.
A former client and a friend of mine told him about it. He registered and got in, and then he messaged me right after. Three minutes after the hour, I got my ticket, and he sent me a screenshot. I’m like, awesome. I’m happy for you.
That was in further nudge or a little reminder, like, oh, wait a second, I’m part of this other mastermind called metal. There’s the Wim Hof breathing group I’m part of, and most of the people that are part of that are also in Dr. Joe Dispenza’s. I should post to the WhatsApp group for the whole group, and I did.

The tickets were still on sale. It was a few minutes after the hour of Neil Cannon, a great guy, author of The Vitality Secret. He’s based in Mexico at the moment and he’s like, I’ve been trying to get in for so long to these retreats, and you made it happen. I got my MA sent me a screenshot. I’m just the delivery person that was meant for him. That was such a cool thing to see.
There were several other people that got in because of my posting to the WhatsApp group. That wasn’t initially who I thought of. I thought of a couple of different clients. I sent them the heads up, and then there was the afterthought from the person I mentioned who registered and sent me the screenshot right away. We have a huge ripple effect. We have no idea how much our ripple effect spreads around the world. It changes lots of lives.
Right. That’s a cool story. I’m sure they will be so excited to join the event. It’s a life-changing event. You’re the link for them to the event. I’m sure when they come back, they will remember that, because it’s hard to get in and you just worked it out for them. They will love it for sure.
Yeah. One thing I learned from the book, You Were Born for This, I mentioned that a little earlier in our conversation, is if you want to deliver miracles and be the kind of pizza delivery guy or gal for God’s miracles, not only it is important ask and say, here I am, please send me, but it’s also important after the miracle has happened, the person is so grateful, and they think you’re amazing, and everything, to transfer the credit.
That wasn’t me. I’m just the messenger. Even saying I’m just the messenger, it makes it still about you. You’re special, because you’re a messenger of God. No, transfer the credit fully. It’s not me. This was meant for you.
That event was meant for you. That video of the lady who has spontaneously and miraculously healed and just happened to be someone from your same hometown or whatever it was, that was meant for you. That’s not me. God just works through all of us.
Yeah. By the way, this person, Lauren, I just got the pictures this week from the group, and she resumed walking again. A couple of months later, she’s walking. Yeah, a miracle happened.
That’s amazing.
We can all be for each other to this higher power, this higher energy to manifest. There is so much of everything that is enough for everyone if we allow that to happen.
That inspires and gives us a sense of, as you mentioned, just being the channel, just being the way. We can all be for each other to this higher power, this higher energy to manifest. There is so much of everything that is enough for everyone if we just allow that to happen.
We are learning. If we look back to our history, we are still pretty young as a civilization. We made some good progress, and there’s some more to do. We are on our way. We used to see everything from this lifetime perspective, but if we shift that and go into a longer period of time.
It’s not just about us, it’s about everyone that has ever been here and everyone that is coming. It changes a bit, the perspective. It’s a relief, and it’s a message of hope, and also of trust in this outcome and how the universe is unfolding in the best way for every one of us.
Yeah. Even when it doesn’t feel that way, it is. We just haven’t zoomed out enough to see the bigger picture across all lifetimes, across all timelines, and all the benefits of these learnings. Be thankful. It’s all for our highest and best good, ultimately.
Yeah. It’s funny, you just mentioned zooming out. It just came to my mind, zooming in also. It came to my mind. Usually after core updates, there are some fluctuations. Some clients, maybe they’re not so experienced with that. They freak out and their businesses are dramatically impacted. Sometimes positively, sometimes not, and then we have to work.
We know the basics. We have work that must be done. We know that practitioners, serious people, know how to do that. You have to be a kind of psychologist here, and come down with things, and put things in perspective. Okay, we can get back. It will be better. Zooming in and out, also.
Yeah, for sure. This was really fun, and it took a different direction. I thought we were going to spend more time talking about international SEO, multilingual issues, and stuff when you’re dealing with SEO and marketing. I think this was a fantastic, powerful conversation. A beautiful conversation, elegant, and meaningful. We’ll have to save the multilingual SEO stuff for another time.
We can tap into bigger energy sources, and powerful things can happen in unpredictable ways. We can explain from our human perspective, but we have to allow ourselves to go there and smile at that person that maybe no one does. Share on XSure. Let’s say, today, we approach it as a universal language. Maybe next time, we can talk about international languages.
Right. There is a universal language which is love. It’s all there is.
Yeah, right. We can all feel that.
Yeah. This was fun. This was really fun. How does our listener or viewer get in touch with you, work with you, and learn from you? Where should they go?
They can visit our website, You can just send a message from there, and we will get in touch with you. For SEO, as you mentioned, we work with websites with multi-languages across the world, which can sometimes be challenging because such challenges don’t behave the same way in different countries. From there, we can discuss customers’ needs.
Awesome. Thank you, Ticiano. Listener, I hope you’re inspired. Do something with it. Make the world a better place. We’ll catch you in the next episode. I’m your host, Stephan Spencer, signing off.
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Your Checklist of Actions to Take
Surround yourself with the group of people that will trigger and help you discover your massively transformative purpose (MTP). After identifying your MTP, you can figure out your moonshot, which is your big dream goal.
Develop a deeper sense of understanding and communicate effectively. As you progress in life, the most important attribute you can possess is being more understanding towards others and situations. Both understanding and communicating effectively require being present in listening and the use of your senses.
In SEO, you must learn to pay attention to the nudges and take your time in exploring them. Out of that, you can generate useful data and be able to explain why a particular thing is happening.
Identify your top five strengths to develop your niche. You can take online quizzes or tests that can generate your strengths. On the other hand, you can make it more personal by asking around people you trust, keeping track of your activities, and looking for patterns.
Bring positive experiences in your life by not taking offense from time to time and removing yourself from negative conversations. Believe that something amazing will always happen because the world conspires to shower you with blessings and miracles. Instead of being paranoid, be a pronoid person.
Allow yourself to manifest, envision bigger things, and attract blessings by acknowledging how energy within you and surrounding you commands matter. Remember, you get what you put out there from your thoughts. Thus, believing is seeing.
Build your tolerance for yourself and others. In the present time, there are moments where we experience that tolerance is not quite used. The key to being more tolerant is acknowledging and respecting others’ point-of-view.
Show thankfulness to God, the higher power source you believe in, and others. Express your gratitude by praying, serving others more, and keeping your feet on the ground. Be someone who always sees to it to transfer the credit.
Invest in learning other languages if you want to go global. Knowing another language is a great advantage in SEO and personal development. A multilingual SEO can lead to increased sales and bigger ROI as it allows wider accessibility for international clients to find your products and services.
Check out their website and get in touch with Ticiano Sgarbi and his team. They cater to websites with multi-languages across the world for SEO.
About Ticiano Sgarbi
As a SEO practitioner, Ticiano found on it another way to explore languages. Language enthusiast since he was a child, born bilingual and learning to code at an early age, he speaks 6 languages and currently he is interested in the link between languages and emotions.
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