I’m very excited to have Erik Luhrs on this show. He was a past guest on my other show, Get Yourself Optimized (episode #291), where we got deep into some metaphysical topics.
Erik is a Fortune 500 Consultant, NLP Master Practitioner, Psychic, Peak Mindset Coach, founder of BE DO SCALE Hybrid Business Coaching, and the creator of The GURUS Selling System™, Subconscious Lead Generation™, and Peerless Positioning™. As a result of his broad base of skills and abilities, he has helped clients and companies achieve mathematically impossible operational performance, overcome mental hurdles, create 300% growth in a matter of weeks, improve relationships, overflow their pipelines, achieve the dreams they thought “impossible,” and much more…
In this episode, Erik shares how a mindset shift can change your messaging. He also shares how the right positioning can jumpstart your business into hypergrowth mode. And Erik talks about how successful people start their day, how to prepare and strategize a marketing campaign, and a lot more.

In this Episode
- [00:20] – Stephan introduces his next guest, Erik Luhrs, founder of BE DO SCALE Hybrid Business Coaching, and he levels Business Leaders so they can Grow Fast, Attract Top Talent & Kick-Ass.
- [01:26] – Stephan wants to talk about the mindset piece and asks Erik how messaging and positioning depend on mindset.
- [10:59] – Erik shares studying many successful people and says that having a morning routine is the best thing he can recommend to anybody who truly wants to be successful.
- [15:24] – Erik tells about the strategies to show up in a marketing campaign.
- [17:33] – Stephan and Erik talk about businesses repositioning themselves as the human network making them more human, more approachable, and relatable.
- [22:45] – Stephan and Erik discuss business coaches who have psychic abilities.
- [28:35] – Erik explains to the listeners what he meant when he says light self, the light avatar, or the oversoul.
- [33:16] – Stephan talks about once you start tuning into what your higher self is, that full expression of who you are across all lifetimes will weigh in on your choices in life and business.
- [38:14] – Stephan and Erik share their thoughts about the Kabbalah concept, called the bread of shame.
- [42:09] -Visit Erik Luhrs’ website to learn more about his works and sign up for his complimentary 1 Question Power Session.
Erik, it’s so great to have you on the show.
Thanks for having me. I always love being on it.
This is going to be fun. We’re going to focus on marketing and sales. On the other show, we went into some pretty metaphysical topics. I’ll save that for the other episode. Listeners, do go check out episode number 291 of Get Yourself Optimized and listen to Erik on that show as well.
Let’s first of all start off with, how does the messaging and the positioning that you have depend on your mindset? Of course, mindset is everything. Eventually you have whatever outcome happened because you had your mind in the right place. You kind of allowed for the universe to conspire and make things happen for you.
There are so many times where people just can’t get out of their own way. They don’t believe in something. They just think that things are going to go poorly for them and then that shows up in some terrible business deal that they do, or some terrible marketing campaign that they launch, or a really bad speaking gig, or podcast interview, or TV interview.
Let’s talk about that mindset piece and how that shows up or kind of breaks things for our listener if they don’t get it right.
I always think of mindset as brainset.
Good question. When people say mindset, I always look at the brain, I think you and I have talked about this before. I focus on the quantum field, et cetera, so my perception is always that the mind exists outside of the body. But let’s talk about the brain. I always think of mindset as brainset.
Mindset or brainset, as it were, what’s going on in terms of the day-to-day programming? Your brain is like a CPU. Then outside of the CPU is the person who’s doing the stuff with the computer. If I’m going to type something, I’m going to open Word. If I’m going to do some math, I’m going to open Excel, et cetera.
What software you open determines what’s running. The person controlling the computer, entering stuff, the programmer, or whatever you want to call it, they have the ability to change the software. That’s a different conversation. Basically, the higher you have the ability to help the physical you.
When you’re working, though, from the CPU or the brain, you’re working with the program that’s in there, and all of its little quirks, and all of its little little issues. It all comes back to who you’re being at the moment. That really is like, okay, if I’m being a bigger and bigger version of myself and I can achieve bigger and bigger things.
One of the examples I give is, if you take somebody who is used to bringing in a million dollars a year. Early on in my work, I had this. This is why I know this. It’s some horror stories. Early on in my work, I had people that I took to large sums of money very quickly from where they were because I thought, well, that’s the best thing I can do for them.
They say they want to go from $100,000 to $500,000 like that, so I took it from $100,000 to $500,000 like that. But they themselves didn’t change the software. Even though I took them out of one circumstance and placed them into the circumstance that they said that they wanted, their mindset/brainset hadn’t shifted to be able to hold them there. They sabotaged themselves back down to $100,000 to whatever their starting point was.
Your business can only grow to the extent that you do. The biggest beingness that you have is taking yourself energetically from the $1 million to the $5 million version of yourself. Share on XYour positioning, your messaging, your lead gen, et cetera, when it’s going out—let’s say you’re at $100,000 a year or a million a year and you’ve been doing that for a couple of years, you’re used to it, it’s ingrained into the software in your head—your messaging is going to be stuff that’s going to generate a million dollars a year.
And you say, well, I get to $5 million. Okay, great. But if you don’t change you, then your energy doesn’t change, your messaging doesn’t change, the way you look at your business doesn’t change, the things you offer don’t change, what you’re going after doesn’t change, the way you go after them doesn’t change.
You say, but I still want to get to that $5 million a year. Then we get down to that problem of, you say, okay, I’ve tried my own stuff and then I brought in a marketing agency, and I brought in a coach to hit me with a whip every week, an accountability coach. I got up at the crack of dawn, I went to bed at the crack of dawn, and nothing’s moving the needle. It’s because no matter how hard you try until you change yourself, our words are just our energy.
Whatever energy you’re putting out there is not going to change, thus your market’s not going to change and your income is not going to change. If you’re sitting there and you’re saying, okay, I have the same brainset as I did yesterday and I keep banging my head against the wall because nothing’s changing, then you have to do some work on yourself. You have to start working on changing your brainset. Then that will trickle down to your messaging, your marketing, your positioning, et cetera.
Too many people want a mechanic, they want to do it in reverse mechanically. They want to hire an agency. They want to get that agency to take them and say, okay, you figure out how to market me and you figure out what to say. It sounds nice, but you get right back to where I was early on.

Okay, great. I brought in this agency, I paid them X amount of dollars, and they got me a flood of leads. I went from a million dollars. It is never justified, but let’s say you go from a million dollars to $2.1 million. You’re all happy bappy and then it’s like, wow, this year we were great and whatever.
Next year’s projection is $3 million and next year, you come in at $957,000. And you’re like, what the hell happened? Because you had this artificial bump and you sabotaged yourself. You could even keep the marketing agency, but you’ll do things. You’ll fall behind on deliveries. You’ll have a fight with a client or whatever it is, you will subconsciously sabotage yourself down.
That’s having somebody else do it for you. But when you change yourself, when you change your brainset and your mindset, then all of a sudden, who you view yourself as, because you raise yourself up, the way that you look at your business changes. Because the way you look at your business changes, you can’t help but linguistically change how you describe yourself. You can’t help but change the way you energetically express yourself.
We, at a very base level human beings, are drawn to other human beings at an energy level. It’s why they say everybody has a built-in BS detector (excuse my French). It’s because we have a built-in energy connection to each other.
I apologize if I’m waxing poetic here, but as you can see, I can go on forever about this. One last thought on this point. I was realizing the other day, rapport. A lot of people say I want to build my rapport skills because I want to sell more and I want to be able to build faster or whatever.
Rapport is all about energy.
Rapport is all about energy. If you want to increase the amount of sales and leads that you’re getting, the easiest thing to do is to increase the amount of energy that you are emitting. That’s based on how happy you feel about yourself, your business, your potential, et cetera. Rapport is really just vibration. It’s really just, I feel comfortable, I feel compelled to you.
When you raise your vibration just like adding from 100-watt light to 1000-watt light, you’re going to light up a bigger area. The same thing here. It’s just sometimes it plays out in your messaging, sometimes your sales pitch directly, et cetera.
Yeah, so get into a higher vibration before you get on a sales call. Of course, when you’re going to be on stage or on a virtual stage, manage that energy and get it really, really humming.
Yeah, certainly in the moment. Overall, the way you get up in the morning, the way you program yourself on a moment to moment basis because there’s the momentary psyching yourself up before something. That’s good. Then you’re living up and down, up and down, up and down.
A lot of the work that I do is helping people change how they feel about themselves, about the world, their life, their business, et cetera. If you can change how you are being—it’s the only way to describe it—then all of a sudden, you don’t have to psych yourself up because you can’t wait to run onto that stage and talk to people.
You can’t wait to have that phone call. You can’t wait to write that next message. You can’t wait to do the next interview, whatever it is. If you’re passionate about your business, then it’s easy to get more and more excited about it.
We, at a very base level as human beings, are drawn to other human beings at an energy level. Share on XIf you (let’s say) have a particular breathing exercise or something that you do before you get on stage, or before you get on a sales call, or a podcast interview, and just get into a peak state of energy, it’s much better to not only do that as a one-off, but to do it as part of your daily ritual in the morning. Do this particular breathing exercise and make it more who you are in regular life, right?
Definitely. I’m sure you have, but I’ve also studied a lot of successful people. I tend to study who I consider to be happy, successful people. Richard Branson is one of my idols and Oprah Winfrey. I can respect Bill Gates’ wealth, but his methodologies I might question.
There are billionaires that I like what they do and there are billionaires where I’m like, okay, I respect your wealth and we’ll leave it at that. But if you look at highly successful people, and you look at the people who are happy and running the fast growth 500 or whatever, these people, every day, they have a morning routine. Every single one of them always say basically the same thing.
I take my morning for myself. I get up. I do my exercise or my meditation. I do my journaling. Fill in the blank. They have various methodologies and modalities that they use to get themselves into a peak state. They also say it’s the most creative time of the day.
I’m the same way. I get up in the morning, I use the bathroom, and then I come straight into my office here. A lot of times, before even start meditating, the ideas are already flowing. Over here on my wall, I have a whiteboard. I’ll just stand there and I’ll just write stuff on the whiteboard, blah-blah-blah. It’s just flowing and flowing and flowing. Or I’ll stare out my window and ideas flow, flow, flow.
A morning routine is probably the best thing I can recommend to anybody who truly wants to be successful.
I write those down and get that all out. That’s my creative stuff and then I meditate. I prep myself up mentally and emotionally. I do my workouts. Every day, it’s my same routine day in and day out. A morning routine is probably the best thing I can recommend to anybody who truly wants to be successful.
I can’t even imagine a billionaire or somebody super successful not having a morning routine. Like, I’m just going to totally wing it. I’m Richard Branson. I’m just going to wake up and start scrolling through my Instagram. I’m going to go into my email and see what fires I need to put out. That’s not how a billionaire operates.
No. It’s funny because they pretty much all say the same thing. Like, I don’t even open my email, or look at the Internet, or anything. Because they know that the second they get engaged in any of that stuff, their brains are going to kick in, they’re going to get pulled away, and they don’t get a chance to set their energy.
Really, how you start your day is the tone for the rest of the day. It’s hard to come back from a downer morning. You’re basically just praying for bedtime when you start your day that way. But yeah, all happy, super successful people, they understand that you’re better off spending four hours preparing yourself for a one-hour day than spending one hour preparing yourself for a four-hour day or whatever. Whatever time you need, you’re better off.
I remember years ago my first mentor said, I’d rather you psych yourself up for an hour and make one phone call than sit there and just hammer through cold calls for an hour. Because that one phone call you’ll make feeling good is going to get you more sales than 60 calls where you feel like garbage.
Too many people think that they’ve heard the old adage, work hard and you’ll be rewarded. The Protestant work ethic as they say. A lot of not so nice people who are paying you money will tell you the same thing. You work hard for me and I’ll make you rich today. But actually, you work hard and somebody else will be rewarded.
You really want to work smart. A lot of people are like, oh, well, those are strategies, those are methodologies, those are metrics. That’s working informed. That’s not working smart, that’s working informed.
Rapport is all about energy. If you want to increase the amount of sales and leads you're getting, the easiest thing to do is increase the amount of energy you are emitting. Share on XWorking smart means that you get the machine to peak condition before you take it out on a track. That’s working smart. We’ve been conditioned to think, oh, if you take time for yourself, you’re greedy. But in actuality, the best thing you can do for yourself, for your clients, for your business, for everybody, is to take that time for yourself.
How does that show up in a marketing campaign? You’re going to strategize, figure out what the funnel looks like, and all that sort of stuff. The old adage that you measure twice, cut once. How does the preparation like you do with your day show up in a really great marketing campaign?
When we look at marketing these days, a lot of marketing is metrics-driven. They’re like, oh, okay, this funnel that we’ve been using for these various companies produces X percent of pull, et cetera. And that’s nice. Again, that’s looking for somebody else to be the driver behind your growth.
When you, for lack of a better term, increase your beingness or become the next version of yourself, the bigger version of yourself that you go from the $1 million to the $5 million version of yourself, you will change how you articulate what you do. You cannot help but see what you do in a different light. You cannot help but articulate it differently. You cannot help but see new ways of describing it. You cannot help but get a closer rapport with your audience.
I think the more you love, enjoy, and be empowered by what you do, the more you can resonate with the people who need it most. I know the easiest to convert. All of a sudden, your languaging changes. When you’re struggling, all of a sudden, you end up looking around and saying, okay, what does everybody else say?
I’m going to say some version of that. They do it and they pull X amount. We’ll say that, blah-blah-blah, and we come back to metrics. But if we look at all of the great marketing campaigns of the past, it comes back to positioning. The company positioned itself massively differently all of a sudden and it got a flood of business. It took off.
Yeah, like the human network, Cisco repositioned themselves as the human network. It made them more human and more approachable, and relatable, and less like a big monolith.
Man is not here to serve technology.
Right, because they changed how they looked at themselves. They realize technology is to serve man. Man is not here to serve technology. It’s the same thing for you in your business.
If you’re looking at yourself and you’re saying, I’m one of X amount of competitors, then that’s your version of yourself. That’s your perspective. That’s your positioning in the world. It’s all intertwined.
If you look at what you do and look for, all of a sudden, what’s unique and say, I bring this thing to what I do that nobody else does, we bring these technologies, these combinations, this whatever secret sauce that we have…
Like Robert G. Allen, the author who sold tens of millions of books. He talks about how you are hopefully the only in whatever industry or discipline that you occupy. By the way, he was a guest on the show, a great interview. That needs to come through, but you have to believe it yourself first.
The DMS shows up in the marketing after you believe it yourself, after you’ve been convinced. It’s not even convincing, it’s more like just the knowing. I know that I’m worthy. I know that I’m special. I have a role to play that no one else can in this world at this time.
Right. When I speak, I’m speaking to people who are the owner, builder, founder, and energy behind their business. This isn’t really to corporate folks. A large corporation is a completely different animal.
When you are the engine behind your business, your energy is the driving energy. Like you were saying, you basically got to drink your own Kool-Aid, but not forcing yourself to drink your own Kool-Aid. You’re drinking your own Kool-Aid because you don’t want to drink anything else because you realize my Kool-Aid is the best Kool-Aid.

Literally, I’ve tasted all the other Kool-Aids, so this is the best flavor. I’m never going to stop drinking this Kool-Aid. I might add more sugar to spice it up and make myself more sugary. But basically, I’m loving this flavor.
Again, that shines through. Like you said with Robert Allen and that’s why I created one of my system is peerless positioning, when you can see what’s truly unique about you and how that differentiates you, and why that’s the value driver of you or your business, your service, your product, whatever, then all of a sudden, it all comes back to articulation. You start articulating it. When you’re articulating it, then all of a sudden, the world hears it.
It’s one thing for you to know something but not say it. But when you are passionate about what you do, you can’t help but talk about it. You fall in love with what you do. When you meet a new guy or girl, you remember you couldn’t stop talking about it, oh, I just met this guy, I just met this girl, whatever, blah-blah-blah. All you can do is talk about it, and talk about it, and talk about it.
Imagine having that kind of passion about your business ongoing because you as a person are growing, and you’re seeing new aspects of your business, and it’s like, okay, boom, boom, boom. A lot of the work that I do with my clients is to keep them in that sort of expansive energy.
Just this morning, I was working with one of my clients. She’s building a new software or a new social media site. She was saying, okay, yeah, we got to figure out how to do these pieces and code these things. I said to her, as you’re talking, I can feel your energy. Your energy is big and bold.

You are not the detail person. Your energy is the creative, communicative, visionary. If you try to change who you are, and try to do things you’re not good at, and try to be something to your business you shouldn’t be, you’re harming yourself and you’re going to harm your business.
I spent half a session basically explaining to her how to bring on team members for little or no money. I said to her, we’ve got to keep your energy focused here on what’s next. What’s the next big thing, the next big part, the next expansion? Who do I talk to next? And her energy went back up during the session.
The same thing for you, you got to look at yourself. What’s your best energy? If you’ve created your business and you’re the visionary for your business, that’s your best role. You’re best at communicating about your business, being the face of your business, being the energy behind your business, being the Energizer bunny, et cetera.
That, again, comes back to articulation, marketing, et cetera. You’ll be out there creating the messaging and everything. Again, it’s your baby and you’ve got to keep falling in love with it every single day.
I want to point something out to our listeners right now. I think it’s important. You are unique. I’ve experienced your work firsthand. You’re amazing. You’ve given me some really important breakthroughs.
I talked about one of them on the other episode, where you were on my other show, Get Yourself Optimized. I didn’t even know at the time that you channeled, that you have psychic abilities. You just started just channeling and I was floored with what you shared. It was so profound, so important. It finally sunk in a really core concept that I needed to not just understand, but action. That was the thing. Knowledge is of no use really, unless you put it into action.
I want to point out that you are one of the only, if not, the only business coach with psychic abilities, at least that I know. When you start chiming in from what is a higher perspective because you’re receiving it, that’s pretty special. That’s amazing, like you did with me.
How you start your day is the tone for the rest of the day. Share on XI don’t even know of anyone else that does business coaching who’s psychic like that. You’re either going to a psychic like a medium or you’re going to a business coach, not to somebody that is a hybrid of both. Do you know anybody else that does this besides you?
I know of psychic business coaches. I know several of them, personally. Every single one I’ve ever talked to, they didn’t do anything really business-wise. They were just like, okay, I’ve always been psychic and I wanted to help business people. A lot of their stuff is, okay, you just ask me questions and I’ll channel, whatever.
Okay, we know you help in strategy, marketing, and whatever. And they’re like, well, no, I don’t really know any of that stuff. But if somebody says, should I choose headline A or headline B, I’ll feel out into the universe, and the universe will tell me, and whatever. I go, okay, that’s cool. It’s not how I work, but fine.
Stephan, as you know, long before I was doing the work that I do now, which I call one on one plus one coaching because I’ve said I work with the person’s higher self and simultaneously working with them, I developed first the GURUS Selling System, and subconscious lead generation, and then peerless positioning because I became fascinated with the subconscious mind. I studied NLP, Silva Mind Control, and a bunch of other things.
The mind has always fascinated me.
The mind has always fascinated me. Human beings are able to change themselves. Ten years ago, I was a junkie living behind a dumpster. And today, I’m worth half a billion dollars and I’m blissfully happy. You’re like, what happened? Those were always the kind of people that fascinated me, not only just junkies.
That kind of transformation fascinated me. I spent a decade doing that kind of work in corporate America, just at the subconscious level. The messaging, positioning, and marketing was my skill and my expertise.
My best client to date was taking a $150,000 pipeline to $10 million in eight weeks. For years, I liked to think, oh, I was really great in terms of messaging, positioning, strategy, and stuff. I think my stuff’s pretty good. I’ll put it up against pretty much anybody else’s stuff.
I realized that it was the person changing that client and the other miracle clients have had. They up the version of themselves. They went from 1.0 to 2.0 to 3.0 to 4.0 very quickly. That was what facilitated the miracle.
I had other clients, where I’ve given them what I would consider level 10 strategies and messaging. I gave them everything they needed to plug in, and everything went flat. I said, the reason that that happened was because they themselves didn’t change. That’s why I stopped working with corporate America because it was like, I’m busting my ass putting together what I think is magic.
They get a little bump here, a little bump there. They get nothing and whatnot. That’s why I really like working with the small business owner, founder, et cetera because that person is the driving energy. It’s not just the messaging, the positioning, and whatever. It’s the person behind it.
The psychic piece that I bring to it now, this realization that I’m communicating with the higher self of my client at the same time, ultimately, when you’re upping your versions, per se, all you’re really doing is trying to get as close to your higher self as possible. That’s all you’re really doing. I just act as a bridge. I’m getting stuff from the higher self that’s giving me questions, statements, images, whatever.

The good news is that it filters through the strategies, the decade-and-a-half of creating massive amounts of strategies at the same time. I’ll say to people, okay, half of this is what I’m picking up and the other half of this is just a strategy that’s being pulled out of my brain at the same time, blah-blah-blah, and they’ll go, oh, my God, okay, yeah.
This is going to affect your way that you look at doing family stuff. At the same time, it’s going to affect this piece of your business. So let’s talk you through one to make you understand the other, et cetera. Again, it’s their higher self making me do both of these things.
When you say higher self, for somebody who’s listening to this and is not familiar with that concept, which can also be known as the light self, or as the light avatar, or the oversoul, how do you describe to somebody who’s not that new age or spiritually than what you’re doing?
I say to most people, if you believe in any form of religion, you believe in what I’m talking about. A lot of people are brought up being taught that there is a God, Allah, Buddha, Krishna, or whatever. We perfunctorily believe that there’s something bigger.
Are there atheists out there? Sure, and I respect that too. But even if you’re an atheist, quantum physics exists. It’s provable. The quantum level has been shown.
Einstein theorized it and it’s been proven that the observer of an occurrence affects the occurrence. An observer of an event affects the event. That means that in some way, shape or form, you are interconnected to that which you’re focused upon.
A quick example of that would be Dr. Joe Dispenza explaining to an audience or someone trying to affect the outcomes. It’s a small, slight variation, but it’s measurable and it’s reproducible. It’s scientifically validated. That’s impressive.
Yeah. Joe wants evidence. I think Joe knows the truth about the source, et cetera. As a medical professional, he wants to be able to point to results that are, as you said, repeatable, because then, nobody can debate him at that level. I absolutely respect Joe and everything he’s doing. I think he’s doing amazing work.
In terms of higher self, this is pure belief, but if you believe in a soul, or you believe in a spirit, or you believe in source, or you believe in God, or you believe in anything, then you believe that there’s something outside of you that’s still part of you.
You can’t affect something that you aren’t actually connected to.
Again, if you’re an atheist, if it can be proven that you’re affecting something outside of you, that means in some way, shape, or form, you’re connected to that thing outside of you. You can’t affect something that you aren’t actually connected to. Whatever way you want to explain that to yourself, that would basically be your explanation for a source energy, higher self, God, et cetera.
When I’m working at that, I’m not speaking in tongues. I can’t tell you tomorrow’s lotto numbers. No, I’m not going to talk to your dead grandmother.
Can you talk to someone’s dead grandmother?
When I was a little tiny kid, yes. Trust me. When I was a small, small child, yes, I talked to a few dead people. I saw things I didn’t want to see. Thankfully, around the age of five, that stopped. I thought that that was it. I figured, okay, none of this stuff will ever come back. Thankfully, it hasn’t.
Why do you say thankfully?
Because you didn’t see what I saw. It was something and I’m freaking out. The Poltergeist had nothing on some of the stuff I saw.
Okay, fair point. I haven’t seen anything terrifying.
It’s all I saw. My entire childhood was like a bad 70s horror movie.
For our listeners intrigued to hear more about that, they can go check out the other interview on Get Yourself Optimized.
For this work, basically, your higher self is always trying to give you the answer. When we’re born, we are born pure potentiality. We have no conditioning. We have no instructions. Nothing has been programmed into us. It is our parents, our religious leaders, our teachers, our friends, our family members, et cetera, the television, and everything that lovingly trains us into becoming who we become.
Your higher self is your pure self.
They think, oh, okay, I’m preparing you for life. Really what it is is I’m conditioning you to be a cog in a machine, unfortunately. Your higher self is your pure self. It’s the part of you. In my perception, a very small part of us comes into physical form.
Again, at the quantum level, physical form, only when energy slows down a lot, does it actually take on slow enough to actually start to come into what we would call matter or physical form.
It’s very dense. The full expression of who you are as a soul is very light. It’s all energy. This dense physical form of matter is almost like a shadow of who you truly are.
It’s like the movie Avatar, where there’s somebody in the pod who’s operating the blue guy on the planet. The blue guy on the planet is actually us and how we associate ourselves with the rest of the world and our experience.
A lot of us think of our body as who we are. We occupy a body. We have a body, we are not our body. We are not our thoughts. We’re not our mind. We’re not our brain. We have a brain. We have thoughts. We receive thoughts more than we actually conjure them up like a radio or FM antenna. We’re not coming up with all this stuff on our own.
I didn’t know this. For the majority of my life, I didn’t know this. It’s pretty wild and has far-reaching implications. Once you start tuning into what your higher self, that full expression of who you are across all lifetimes, across all dimensions, across everything, is now weighing in on your choices in life and in business because you’re finally listening, that’s profound.
I know a lot of people are sitting out there. I would say, at the end of the day, everybody says to me, okay, great, but how does this get me more money? I absolutely respect that.
Let’s put this in the most general terms. If you want more money, it means you need more sales. If you want more sales, it means you need more of the better qualified leads to show up. If you want more of the better qualified leads to show up, it means your marketing has to be more effective.
In order for your marketing to be more effective, it means you have to be positioned well in the marketplace. In order for you to be positioned well in the marketplace, that means that you have to have a brand that has these unique positioning aspects about it. If you want to have a unique business, that means that your business has to have an approach to the market that nobody else has.
It has to be an individual. Just like a human being, it has to have its own fingerprints like nobody else’s, which means ultimately that your business is like an entity. It might be one employee, it might be a hundred employees, whatever it is. That entity, just like you, you have your own people. So your character is like this.
When you’re trying to describe a friend to somebody else, you say, oh, yeah, he’s like X, Y, and Z, or he’s a mix of this or mix of that, or it’s really fun or whatever. That’s the character of your business. That’s the energy of your business, the vibe of your business.
The vibe of your business comes from you.
Ultimately, that vibe of your business comes from you. As the Arthurian legend said, the land and the king are one. However you’re being, ultimately, your business is being that your business can only grow to the extent that you do. The bigger of beingness that you have is taking yourself energetically from the $1 million dollar version of yourself to the $5 million version of yourself first, energetically.
I’m not saying I’m waiting for $5 million to show up in the bank and then I’ll call myself. That’s waiting for the world to do it for you. That’s putting the cart before the horse. But if you say I’m going to make the change to myself, you change your beingness, you change your business.
You change your business, you change your brand. You change your brand, you change your position. You change your position, you change your marketing and your lead gen. You change your marketing and lead gen, you change your sales. That’s how it’s supposed to be.
And if you are of the mindset that I need to see it in order to believe it, then you put a big wall in front of that whole flow, because you need to believe it in order to see it. Believing comes that, then leads to the manifestation where you actually see it in three-dimensional reality.
Yeah, and if you say I have to see it first and you get a situation like I used to have, or you’re lucky enough to find somebody who can somehow figure out how to take you from a million to $3 million in sales, you’re going to self sabotage back. It’s guaranteed.
It’s almost like you didn’t earn it. There’s this Kabbalah concept that I really love. It’s translated from Hebrew. It’s bread of shame. If you give someone bread of shame, like your 16-year-old kid, you gave him a brand new convertible just because he turned 16, he didn’t have to lift a finger to earn it, then heaven forbid, he comes back with a total crash. He didn’t really earn it, so it came with side effects.
Working smart means getting the machine to peak condition before taking it out on a track. Share on XOr if someone wins the lotto and then two years later, they’ve not only lost it all, they’re worse off than they were before they had gotten the money. They’d be better off to have never won. The earning of the thing is so important. That seems, in my mind, relates to what you were describing. What do you think?
I absolutely agree. If you look at the percentage of people who won the lottery and then within five years, had to declare bankruptcy, it’s actually larger than the average amount of people who declare bankruptcy per year, per capita.
It tells us an excellent example. You sit there and you do about having it and it happens. I know because for forever, I was the same way. I lived and it was like, okay, I’ll figure out the strategy for this strategy for that, and blah-blah-blah. I never seem to get where I want it to go.
It wasn’t until I sat down and said, okay, who the hell am I being today? Who am I being right now? I’m about to sit down and write an email to my subscribers. If I was writing it and I was like, oh, I’m going to write it to get them to a squeeze page, to get them into this, to get them into that, okay, great. And I realized that generic garbage junk came out of me.
But when I sat down and I said, okay, who do I want to be now? I’m sitting down here and I’m a million dollar version of myself. I was a million dollar version of myself last year and I was a million dollar version of myself the year before, which means I’m about to write a million dollar version copy, which means I ain’t getting any closer to that $5 million I want.
When I started figuring out the methodologies to actually help myself get in contact with energetically and emotionally feel like the $5 million version of myself, then all of a sudden, it was like, boom. All of a sudden, I couldn’t write the copy I was about to write. Also I went back and I said, wait a minute. I have to describe what I do differently.
I have to describe who I am differently.
I have to describe who I am differently. I have to describe what I do differently. Wait a minute. I moved to the wrong target market. That was an epiphany day, the day I realized that I could easily attract. I had a huge following of low-ticket people who loved me to death. I could sell low-ticket stuff all day long, but those weren’t the people that I can best serve.
When I realized that, all of a sudden, I said, okay, here’s who I can best serve. By best serving them, they can best serve the people that I used to serve. I’m upleveling myself. Now, all of a sudden, bang, my perspective changed.
I’m like, all right, now that my market’s changed, wait a minute, what I offer has to change, which means my business structure has to change somewhat. You see it’s like, okay, beingness affected my business. All of a sudden, now that I’m offering change, wait a minute, then my brand promise, and what I’m doing with my brand, and all that, my vision, values, et cetera, that’s changed also.
It’s a cascade.
Yeah, it’s a cascade. If you’re looking for the bottom-up, it ain’t going to happen.
Right, and if you don’t earn it, not just in the aspect of putting in the hard yards, but also in the beingness and the belief, the faith, the trust, you put a huge wall in front of all the abundance that is yours by divine right.
Amazing. If our listener or viewer wants to work with you, hire you as their business coach, go through the subconscious lead generation system, the peerless positioning system, or the GURUS Selling System, what do they do next?
I always love to talk to people.
I always love to talk to people. I never pitch straight out. I always like to say, okay, I want to get to know you and see if I can even help you. If I can’t help you, I’ll be the first one to tell you. I can’t help you, you should go talk to this person, or go use this service, or whatever.
Stephan, you and I are members of the same. We have a treasure trove of very qualified people who do all sorts of things that we’re not that good at. We happily help people and tell people when we can help them.
The way that I like to connect with people and make sure that I’m always offering value is to do a session with them. One of my favorite sessions is the one question power session, where I will work with you and your higher self. Basically it is roughly a 30-45 minute session. It is my firm belief that in trying to scale your business, you’re surrounded by questions. Should I do this? Should I do that? Should I invest more in this? Should I do less of that? Where should I go for this, et cetera? Is this the right audience?
We tend not to make progress because we don’t know which question to answer first. Ultimately, we don’t know what the hell questions we should be asking ourselves. The one question power session is connecting up with your higher self, and asking you what I’m getting from the higher self, and all that. I hope you lock in on the one question like a domino effect. If you can answer this one question, then all the other dominoes line up and start to fall.
That is, again, a complimentary. All you have to do is go on over to www.erikluhrs.com/power. You can sign up right there for it.
Awesome. Thank you. Listener, go ahead and take advantage of this great opportunity. Work with Erik if you can make the powerful decision to do that. I’m sure you’ll be very happy you did. We’ll catch you in the next episode. I’m your host, Stephan Spencer, signing off.
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Previous Get Yourself Optimized Episodes
Your Checklist of Actions to Take
Shift my mindset. To uplevel my business, I need to shift my mindset to hold the growth I want to have. This will help me change my messaging, marketing, positioning, etc.
Increase the amount of positive energy I’m emitting. To increase the sales and leads that I’m getting, I need to have positive feelings towards myself, my business, and my potential.
Always start the day with a morning routine. The way I get up in the morning will program my whole day. Examples of morning routines are meditation, gratitude journal, exercise, etc.
Work smart. Find effective and efficient ways to complete one or multiple tasks while also managing the quality of life.
Be the best of myself. Authentic self-discovery takes courage and tenacity. Turn away from distracting false beliefs that cloud or distort my self-perception.
Be passionate about what I do. Having that passion will allow me to see new aspects of my business.
Don’t try to be something I’m not in my business. Changing myself and trying to do those things I’m not good at may cause harm to me and my business.
Position myself well in the marketplace. I need to have a brand that has unique aspects. This will allow me to have an effective marketing practice.
Best serve my high-ticket clients. This will allow me to uplevel my business, and at the same time, these clients will serve my low-ticket clients.
Visit Erik Luhrs’ website to learn more about him and his courses. Also, sign up for his complimentary 1 Question Power Session.
About Erik Luhrs
Erik Luhrs is the founder of BE DO SCALE Hybrid Business Coaching, and he uplevels Business Leaders so they can Grow Fast, Attract Top Talent & Kick Ass. He is a Fortune 500 Consultant, NLP Master Practitioner, Psychic, Peak Mindset Coach, and the creator of The GURUS Selling System™, Subconscious Lead Generation™, and Peerless Positioning™
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